There are so many ways to look at worship. A lot of people think that God NEEDS our worship…that we’re doing it just for Him. Did you know that worship is who God created us to be? God is after US, not our worship songs. He doesn’t need our songs. He wants US to be the song. He wants US to be the worship.

When we worship, we can hear from Him, which leads to a better life! Worship is all about our relationship with God, but it’s not something we have to wait to do when we’re at church. We can worship God in whatever we do throughout the day. It’s a time that we take, to turn our affection to the Lord.

1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV) says, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” God is not looking for worship; He is looking for worshippers.


Because you begin to trust and eventually become whatever you worship. Everybody worships. The question is: What or who do you worship? Some worship their family, their job, money and some just worship themselves.

Whatever we worship, we will put our trust in and eventually become. There isn’t a “special formula” to worship God. There’s not a specific way. It’s whatever comes from your heart! It starts in our heart but then it is brought to life by your words and actions. When your heart is in tune with God, whatever you do is going to be okay.

Worship is powerful. Even if our motives are wrong when we begin, they cannot possibly stay that way because worshipping God brings transformation to the soul. It plays a most powerful role in cleansing the soul from worries, torments, and fears. Worship gives you the strength to live the life that God intended for you to live.
